Thursday, August 13, 2015

CCIE Lab1, Section 1


 In this lab, I will introduce you a CCIE Lab configuration including 8 sections:

- Section 1: LAN Switching and Frame Relay.
- Section 2: IPv4 IGP Protocols.
- Section 3: BGP.
- Section 4: IPv6.
- Section 5: QoS.
- Section 6: Security.
- Section 7: Multicast.
- Section 8: IP Services.

Through this lab, you will learn L2, L3 switching and routing configuration from basic to high level. Because there are lots of topics mentioned in this lab, it requires you to have a fundamental knowledge of Switch and Router.

Network Topology:
Figure 1: Lab Diagram. 

Figure 2: Lab device connectivity.

  R1 Lo0        R6 Lo0      
R2 Lo0        SW1 Lo0
R3 Lo0        SW2 Lo0
R4 Lo0         SW3 Lo0
  R5 Lo0         SW4 Lo0

Figure 3: Lab topology details.

Equipment List:

- R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6: Cisco routers c7200.
- Sw1, Sw2, Sw3, Sw4: Cisco routers c3745 operating as 3550, 3560 Switches.

Figure 4: VLAN Assignment.

Figure 5: Frame Relay Logical Connectivity.

Section 1: LAN Switching and Frame Relay


■  Configure  your  switches as a collapsed  backbone  network  with Switches  1 and 2 performing  core  and distribution functionality and  Switches  3 and  4 as access  switches  in your  topology. Switches  3 and  4 should  connect only to the core switches.
■  Switch  1 and  2 should  run  spanning  tree  in 802.1w  mode;  Switches  3 and  4 should operate  in their  default  spanning-tree mode.  
■  Configure  Switch  1 to be the root bridge and Switch  2 the secondary root bridge for VLANs  1 and 300. Ensure  that Switches 3 and 4 can never  become  root bridges for any VLANs  for which Switch  1 and  Switch  2 are  root bridges by configuring  only Switches  1 and  2.  
■  Ensure  you  fully  utilize  the  available  bandwidth between  switches  by grouping  together  your  interswitch  links  as trunks. Ensure  that only dot1q  and EtherChannel are supported.
■  Ensure  traffic  is distributed on individual Ethernet  trunks  between  switches  based on  the destination MAC  address of individual flows.
■  Ensure  that user  interfaces  are shut  down  dynamically by all switches  should  they  toggle excessively; if they  remain stable for 35 seconds,  they  should  be reenabled. Configure  Fast Ethernet  Port 3/7 on each  switch so that  if multicast traffic  is received on this port,  the port  is automatically  disabled. 
■  Fast Ethernet  Ports  3/8  will be used for  future  connectivity on each  switch.  Configure these  ports as access ports for VLAN300, which  should  begin  forwarding  traffic  immediately on connection. Devices  connected  to these ports will dynamically  receive  IP addresses  from a DHCP  server  due  to be connected  to Port 3/9 on sw1.  For security purposes,  this is the only port on the network from which DHCP addresses  should  be allocated.  En-  sure the switches  intercept  the DHCP  requests and  add  the  ingress  port  and VLAN and  switch MAC address  prior to sending onward  to the DHCP  server.  Limit DHCP requests  to 600 packets  per minute  per user port.
■  For  additional  security ensure  the user ports on Switches  1–4 and 8 can communicate only with  the network with IP addresses  gained  from the DHCP  feature configured  previously.  Use a dynamic  feature  to ensure  the only information forwarded upon  connection is DHCP  request  packets,  then  any  traffic  that matches  the DHCP  IP  information received  from  the DHCP binding for  additional  security.  
■  R5 and R6 have  been  preconfigured  with  IP addresses on  their  Ethernet  interfaces. Configure R4  and  its associated switch port accordingly without  using secondary  addressing  to communicate with R5 and R6. Configure R4 with an IP address  of  to communicate with R5, and configure R4 with  an IP address  of to communicate with R6. Configure R4 g1/0 and Switch  2 f3/4 only.  
■  Your  initial  Frame  Relay  configuration  has  been  supplied   for  the  R1-R2-R3   connectivity and  R2-R5.  Configure each device per  Figure  5  to ensure  each  device  is  reachable  over  the  Frame Relay  network.  Use  only  the  indicated DLCIs.  


■  Configure  your  switches as a collapsed  backbone  network  with Switches  1 and 2 performing  core  and distribution functionality and  Switches  3 and  4 as access  switches  in your  topology. Switches  3 and  4 should  connect only to the core switches.

This  is a simple  start  to the exercise.  The switches  are fully meshed  to begin with;  to create  a collapsed  backbone  topology, the core switches  should be connected together,  and each  access switch  should  be dual-homed  to the core switches. The only switches  that should  not connect directly  to each other would  be the access  switches  (Sw3  and Sw4). By shutting down  the interfaces  between Sw3 and Sw4, you create  the required  topology. Even  though  the resulting topology is not looped  at this stage, you can verify  route bridge  assignment  by using  the show spanning  tree root command.

SW3#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SW3(config)#int f3/14
SW3(config-if)#int f3/15
SW4#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SW4(config)#int f3/14
SW4(config-if)#int f3/15

■  Switch  1 and  2 should  run  spanning  tree  in 802.1w  mode;  Switches  3 and  4 should operate  in their  default  spanning-tree mode. 

 802.1w  is rapid  spanning  tree;  this  is backward  compatible  with  the switches'  default  (PVST), so by configuring  Switches 1 and 2 into rapid  spanning  tree mode,  spanning  tree can still operate  effectively  with Switches  3 and 4.

SW1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
SW2(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

■  Configure  Switch  1 to be the root bridge and Switch  2 the secondary root bridge for VLANs  1 and 300. Ensure  that Switches 3 and 4 can never  become  root bridges for any VLANs  for which Switch  1 and  Switch  2 are  root bridges by configuring  only Switches  1 and  2. 

 This  is a straightforward question  for the core switches. The  root bridge  prioritization  root guard  is configured  on the ports  that connect  Switches 1 and 2 to Switches 3 and 4; this ensures  that  if a superior  BPDU  is received  on these  ports, it is ignored. 
SW1(config)#  spanning-tree  vlan 1 root primary 
SW1(config)# spanning-tree vlan 300 root primary 
SW1(config-if)# interface Fastethernet  3/10
SW1(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW1(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/11
SW1(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW1(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/12
SW1(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW1(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/13
SW1(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root

SW2(config)#  spanning-tree  vlan 1 root secondary
SW2(config)# spanning-tree vlan 300 root secondary
SW2(config-if)# interface Fastethernet  3/10
SW2(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW2(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/11
SW2(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW2(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/12
SW2(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root
SW2(config-if)#  interface Fastethernet  3/13
SW2(config-if)#  spanning-tree  guard  root

■  Ensure  you  fully  utilize  the  available  bandwidth between  switches  by grouping  together  your  interswitch  links  as trunks. Ensure  that only dot1q  and EtherChannel are supported.

This  is another  straightforward question for all switches  to create EtherChannels  between  devices. Using  the command channel-group n mode on under  the physical  interfaces  ensures that only EtherChannel  is supported,  as opposed to pagp or lacp, and dot1q  is the trunking  protocol. For Layer 2 EtherChannels,  you don’t have  to create  a port-channel  interface first by using  the interface port-channel configuration  command  before  assigning  a physical  port  to a channel group. You can use  the channel-group interface  configuration  command  that automatically creates the port-channel interface,  although  a manual  port channel  configuration has been  shown  here  for clarity. Remember  that now  that you have Ether- Channels between  switches, you will need  to configure  root guard on these interfaces to ensure  that Switches 3 and 4 cannot become root bridges. This is over and above  the previous  physical interface configuration completed previously.

SW1(config)#  interface  Port-channel1
SW1(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW1(config-if)#  switchport mode trunk 
SW1(config-if)# spanning-tree  guard  root 
SW1(config-if)# interface Port-channel2
SW1(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW1(config-if)#  switchport mode trunk 
SW1(config-if)# spanning-tree  guard  root 
SW1(config-if)# interface Port-channel3
SW1(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW1(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW1(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/10-11
SW1(config-if)#  channel-group  1 mode  on
SW1(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/12-13
SW1(config-if)#  channel-group  2 mode  on
SW1(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/14-15
SW1(config-if)#  channel-group  3 mode  on

SW2(config)#  interface  Port-channel1
SW2(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW2(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW2(config-if)#  interface  Port-channel2
SW2(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW2(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW2(config-if)#  interface  Port-channel3
SW2(config-if)#  switchport trunk  encapsulation dot1q
SW2(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW2(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/10-11
SW2(config-if)#  channel-group  1 mode  on
SW2(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/12-13
SW2(config-if)#  channel-group  2 mode  on
SW2(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/14-15
SW2(config-if)#  channel-group  3 mode  on

SW3(config)#  interface  Port-channel1
SW3(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW3(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW3(config-if)#  interface  Port-channel2
SW3(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW3(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW3(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/10-11
SW3(config-if)#  channel-group  1 mode  on
SW3(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/12-13
SW3(config-if)#  channel-group  2 mode  on

SW4(config)#  interface  Port-channel1
SW4(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW4(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW4(config-if)#  interface  Port-channel2
SW4(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW4(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk
SW4(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/10-11
SW4(config-if)#  channel-group  1 mode  on
SW4(config-if)#  interface  range FastEthernet3/12-13
SW4(config-if)#  channel-group  2 mode  on

SW1#show etherchannel summary
Flags:  D - down        P - in port-channel
        I - stand-alone s - suspended
        R - Layer3      S - Layer2
        U - in use
Group Port-channel  Ports
1     Po1(SU)     Fa3/10(P)  Fa3/11(P)
2     Po2(SU)     Fa3/12(P)  Fa3/13(P)
3     Po3(SU)     Fa3/14(P)  Fa3/15(P)

SW2#show etherchannel summary
Flags:  D - down        P - in port-channel
        I - stand-alone s - suspended
        R - Layer3      S - Layer2
        U - in use
Group Port-channel  Ports
1     Po1(SU)     Fa3/10(P)  Fa3/11(P)
2     Po2(SU)     Fa3/12(P)  Fa3/13(P)
3     Po3(SU)     Fa3/14(P)  Fa3/15(P)

SW3#show etherchannel summary
Flags:  D - down        P - in port-channel
        I - stand-alone s - suspended
        R - Layer3      S - Layer2
        U - in use
Group Port-channel  Ports
1     Po1(SU)     Fa3/10(P)  Fa3/11(P)
2     Po2(SU)     Fa3/12(P)  Fa3/13(P)

SW4#show etherchannel summary
Flags:  D - down        P - in port-channel
        I - stand-alone s - suspended
        R - Layer3      S - Layer2
        U - in use
Group Port-channel  Ports
1     Po1(SU)     Fa3/10(P)  Fa3/11(P)
2     Po2(SU)     Fa3/12(P)  Fa3/13(P)

■  Ensure  traffic  is distributed on individual Ethernet  trunks  between  switches  based on  the destination MAC  address of individual flows.

  A common problem with EtherChannels  is traffic not being distributed  equally  among  the physical interfaces.  Configuring channel load balancing  based on the destination  MAC  address  of an individual  flow  is just one method  available  to distribute traffic.

SW1(config)#  port-channel load-balance  dst-mac 
SW2(config)#  port-channel  load-balance  dst-mac 
SW3(config)#  port-channel load-balance dst-mac
SW4(config)# port-channel load-balance dst-mac

SW1#sh etherchannel load-balance
 Po1 ---> Destination MAC address
 Po2 ---> Destination MAC address
 Po3 ---> Destination MAC address

■  Ensure  that user  interfaces  are shut  down  dynamically by all switches  should  they  toggle excessively; if they  remain stable for 35 seconds,  they  should  be reenabled. Configure  Fast Ethernet  Port 3/7 on each  switch so that  if multicast traffic  is received on this port,  the port  is automatically  disabled.

  Interfaces  that  flap can cause  problems  in a network.  Toggling would  usually  indicate a problem such as a faulty  connecting NIC or faulty  cable;  placing  the ports  into error disable  is a method  of stabilizing  the environment.  To disable  a port when multicast traffic is present,  you need  to configure  storm control with  the multicast  option  set  to 0.

SW1(config)#  errdisable  recovery cause link-flap
SW1(config)#  errdisable  recovery interval 35
SW1(config)#  interface FastEthernet  3/7
SW1(config-if)#  storm-control multicast  level 0
SW1(config-if)#  storm-control  action shutdown

SW2(config)#  errdisable  recovery cause link-flap
SW2(config)#  errdisable  recovery interval 35
SW2(config)#  interface FastEthernet  3/7
SW2(config-if)#  storm-control multicast  level 0
SW2(config-if)#  storm-control  action shutdown

SW3(config)#  errdisable  recovery cause link-flap
SW3(config)#  errdisable  recovery interval 35
SW3(config)#  interface FastEthernet  3/7
SW3(config-if)#  storm-control multicast  level 0
SW3(config-if)#  storm-control  action shutdown

SW4(config)#  errdisable  recovery cause link-flap
SW4(config)#  errdisable  recovery interval 35
SW4(config)#  interface FastEthernet  3/7
SW4(config-if)#  storm-control multicast  level 0
SW4(config-if)#  storm-control  action shutdown

■  Fast Ethernet  Ports  3/8  will be used for  future  connectivity on each  switch.  Configure these  ports as access ports for VLAN300, which  should  begin  forwarding  traffic  immediately on connection. Devices  connected  to these ports will dynamically  receive  IP addresses  from a DHCP  server  due  to be connected  to Port 3/9 on sw1.  For security purposes,  this is the only port on the network from which DHCP addresses  should  be allocated.  Ensure the switches  intercept  the DHCP  requests and  add  the  ingress  port  and VLAN and  switch MAC address  prior to sending onward  to the DHCP  server.  Limit DHCP requests  to 600 packets  per minute  per user port.

  This  is a DHCP  Snooping  question. This  is a useful  security  feature  that protects  the network  from  rogue DHCP  servers.  When the DHCP  option-82  feature  is enabled  on the switch with  the command  ip dhcp  snooping  information  option,  a subscriber  is identified by the switch port  through which  it connects  to the network  and by its MAC  address. DHCP snooping also facilitates  a rate  limiting feature  for DHCP  requests  to prevent  a DHCP  denial  of service  by excessive false  requests  from a host, which would have the "gobbler  effect"  of requesting numerous  leases  from  the same  port. The question includes  a couple  of points  that could  easily  be overlooked  if you are suffering  from exam pressure, namely  the ports are  required  to be configured  with  switchport  host (or by configuring portfast)  to set the port mode  to access  and to 
forward immediately. The  rate limiting  is configured in packets  per second  not per minute  as implied,  so you would need  to pay attention  to detail.

SW1(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping
SW1(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping vlan 300
SW1(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping  information option
SW1(config)#  int fastEthernet  3/9
SW1(config-if)#  ip dhcp  snooping  trust
SW1(config)#  interface  fastEthernet  3/8
SW1(config-if)#  ip dhcp  snooping  limit rate 10
SW1(config)#  interface  range  fastEthernet  3/8-9
SW1(config-if-range)#  switchport host
SW1(config-if-range)#  switchport  access vlan 300

SW2(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping
SW2(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping vlan 300
SW2(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping  information option
SW2(config)#  interface fastEthernet  3/8
SW2(config-if)#  ip dhcp  snooping  limit rate 10
SW2(config-if)#  switchport host
SW2(config-if)#  switchport  access vlan 300

SW3(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping
SW3(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping vlan 300
SW3(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping  information option
SW3(config)#  interface  fastEthernet  3/8
SW3(config-if)#  ip dhcp  snooping  limit rate 10
SW3(config-if)#  switchport host
SW3(config-if)#  switchport  access vlan 300

SW4(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping
SW4(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping vlan 300
SW4(config)#  ip dhcp  snooping  information option
SW4(config)#  interface  fastEthernet  3/8
SW4(config-if)#  ip dhcp  snooping  limit rate 10
SW4(config-if)#  switchport host
SW4(config-if)#  switchport  access vlan 300

■  For  additional  security ensure  the user ports on Switches  1–4 and 8 can communicate only with  the network with IP addresses  gained  from the DHCP  feature configured  previously.  Use a dynamic  feature  to ensure  the only information forwarded upon  connection is DHCP  request  packets,  then  any  traffic  that matches  the DHCP  IP  information received  from  the DHCP binding for  additional  security.  

 A complementary feature  to DHCP  Snooping  is IP Source Guard. This  feature  binds  the  information  received  from  the DHCP address offered  and effectively  builds a dynamic VACL  on a per port basis  to enable  only source  traffic matched from  the DHCP offer to ingress  the switch  port  for additional  security.

SW1(config)#  int f3/8
SW1(config-if)#  ip verify source

SW2(config)#  int f3/8
SW2(config-if)#  ip verify source

SW3(config)#  int f3/8

SW3(config-if)#  ip verify source

SW4(config)#  int f3/8
SW4(config-if)#  ip verify source

■  R5 and R6 have  been  preconfigured  with  IP addresses on  their  Ethernet  interfaces. Configure R4  and  its associated switch port accordingly without  using secondary  addressing  to communicate with R5 and R6. Configure R4 with an IP address  of  to communicate with R5, and configure R4 with  an IP address  of to communicate with R6. Configure R4 g1/0 and Switch  2 f3/4 only.  

  This  is just a simple  trunking  question  on Switch2  to R4 to enable  R4 to connect  to VLAN45  and VLAN46.  One point to remember is that Switch2  does not have VLAN45  and VLAN46 configured  locally within  the default  configuration, so you will need  to create  the VLANs  locally  prior  to configuring  the  trunk.

R4(config)#  interface GigabitEthernet1/0.45
R4(config-if)#  encapsulation  dot1Q  45
R4(config-if)#  ip address
R4(config-if)#  interface GigabitEthernet1/0.46
R4(config-if)#  encapsulation  dot1Q  46
R4(config-if)#  ip address

SW2#vlan database
SW2(vlan)#  vlan 45
SW2(vlan)#  vlan 46
APPLY completed.
SW2#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SW2(config)#  interface FastEthernet3/4
SW2(config-if)#  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW2(config-if)#  switchport trunk allowed vlan 45,46

SW2(config-if)#  switchport mode  trunk

■  Your  initial  Frame  Relay  configuration  has  been  supplied   for  the  R1-R2-R3   connectivity and  R2-R5.  Configure each device per  Figure  5  to ensure  each  device  is  reachable  over  the  Frame Relay  network.  Use  only  the  indicated DLCIs.  

  Make sure the interface IP address has been set for R1, R2, R3 and R5. All you need  to add  is maps on R1, R2 and R3 as well as R2 and R5 spokes to enable them  to communicate with each other. Depend on the question, R1 and  R2 also need to communicate each other.

R1#  conf  t
R1(config)#  int s6/0
R1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf
R1(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 103 broadcast
R1(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 103 broadcast

R2#  conf  t
R2(config)#  int s6/0
R2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf
R2(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 203 broadcast
R2(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 203 broadcast
R2(config)#  int s6/1
R2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf
R2(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 215 broadcast

R3#  conf  t
R3(config)#  int s6/0
R3(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf
R3(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 301 broadcast
R3(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 302 broadcast

R5#  conf  t
R5(config)#  int s6/1
R5(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf
R5(config-if)#  frame-relay  map  ip 315 broadcast

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 780/940/1088 ms
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 232/456/580 ms

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 384/568/800 ms

Wednesday, August 12, 2015



 This lab discusses OSPF as the dynamic routing protocol used between CE and PE routers. OSPF is a well-established protocol that is used by both service providers and enterprises. Moreover, there are a lot of routing protocols implemented in this lab. Not only will you learn RIPv2, MP-BGP but also you will learn Multi-Areas OSPF routing protocol and how it is implemented in the MPLS VPN network.


  - This lab requires you to have a solid understanding of L3 routing protocols: RIPv2, OSPF, MP-BGP, route distinguish, route target  and virtual routing and forwarding (VRF). It's more beneficial if you have already read the MPLS VPNs and RIP before reading this lab.
 - OSPF Router Type:

Backbone router: In OSPF, Area 0 is the backbone area. Any router that has an interface configured for Area 0 is called a backbone router.
Internal router: Any router that has all its interfaces configured for a single area is said to be an internal router.
Area border router (ABR): is a router that has interfaces configured for two or more areas. For example, a router with Serial 0/0 in Area 0 and Serial 0/1 in Area 1 is an ABR.
Autonomous system boundary router (ASBR): is a router that has at least one interface in the OSPF domain and one interface connecting to an external network. An example of an external network might be a connection to another AS running RIP.

R1: Backbone router/ASBR.
R2, R3: Internal router/Backbone router.
R4, R5: Backbone router/ABR.
R5, R6, R7, R8, R9: Internal router.

- Link State Advertisements (LSAs): 

 LSA is used to exchange routing information between other OSPF-enabled routers. There are 5 main types:

- OSPF and standard BGP interaction:

 An OSPF network is separated by the service provider’s standard BGP backbone. LSA Type 1 or Type 2 routes from Site 1 are redistributed into BGP by a service provider router (PE1) that appears as an ASBR. PE2, an ASBR, redistributes the route from Site 1 back into OSPF and advertises 
it to Site 2 as an LSA Type 5.

- OSPF and OSPF super backbone interaction:

 In the OSPF hierarchy, all areas had to connect directly to the backbone area (Area 0). The MP-IBGP backbone, functioning as the super-backbone, replaces the Area 0 requirement, meaning that all areas connect to the super backbone instead of to the Area 0 backbone. Without the super-backbone, PE routers appear as ASBRs. Now, with the super-backbone, PE routers appear as ABRs. Remember that ASBRs advertise LSA Type 5 routes and ABRs advertise LSA Type 3 routes

- Why is OSPF super backbone important?

  Site 1 and Site 2 are connected to the service provider. In addition, they have an alternate connection through Frame Relay just in case the service provider network is unavailable. The key is that internal (O) routes are always preferred over external (O E2) routes. Let me explain. Site 1 generates an OSPF route for the network The OSPF route is redistributed into BGP and arrives at Site 2 as an external route (O E2). In addition, Site 2 learns of the route through OSPF across the alternate Frame Relay connection, resulting in an internal route (O) in the routing table. Since the primary connection is through the service provider and the alternate connection is there just in case, it’s safe to assume that the service provider connection is the fastest. Which way do you want the traffic to travel? Through the fastest connection, which is the service provider network. However, the traffic always traverses through alternate Frame Relay connection in this case. Now, OSPF super backbone is implemented.  From Site 1, network is advertised to PE1 and Site 2 through the alternate connection. The route, received by PE1, will be received by Site 2 as an inter-area route (O IA). The route received from Site 1 across the alternate connection is an internal route (O).

 Now, with OSPF super backbone concepts in mind, can you identify the router types and LSA types in our lab?

- How does service provider handle the routes?

  To prevent routing loops, the down bit is set when routes are redistributed from MP-BGP into OSPF. The down bit prevents routing loops because when a PE router sees the down bit set, it does not redistribute the route back into MP-BGP. If the down bit is removed as it travels through the customer’s network, the tag field, containing the originating BGP AS number, is used to prevent loops. To ensure proper routing, a learned route with the down bit results in the routing bit (only on the PE router) being set. With the routing bit set, the PE router does not use the route, even if it is the best path as dictated by OSPF.


1.  Customer sites:
  •  A1, B1, A2, B2 (Non-MPLS-enabled routers): OSPF 1: s0/0-area 0 and L0-area 1.
  •  H/W: A1, B1, A2, B2 are Cisco Routers c3745.
2.  Service Provider sites: 
  • PE1, PE2 (Edge-LSRs): RIPv2; OSPF 101: vrf vpn_a , OSPF 102: vrf vpn_b; BGP AS 65000, MPLS: s0/0 and s0/3.
  • P1, P2, P3, P4 (LSRs): RIPv2, MPLS: s0/0 and s0/1.
  • H/W: PE1, P1, P2, P3, P4, PE2 are Cisco Routers c3745.

1. Customer sites:

- Customer A and B are overlapping address spaces.
- Customer A: A1 and A2 network are connected each other via service provider network.
- Customer B: B1 and B2 network are connected each other via service provider network.

- On A1 router:

A1#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2442 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname A1
enable secret 5 $1$7LnD$0qutJY934WdeVsL.wl9q90
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 5
no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
no ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
ip tcp synwait-time 5
interface Loopback0
 ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/0
 description ***Link to PE1 router***
 ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/1
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/2
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/3
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/4
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/5
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet1/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial2/0
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/1
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/2
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/3
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface FastEthernet3/0
interface FastEthernet3/1
interface FastEthernet3/2
interface FastEthernet3/3
interface FastEthernet3/4
interface FastEthernet3/5
interface FastEthernet3/6
interface FastEthernet3/7
interface FastEthernet3/8
interface FastEthernet3/9
interface FastEthernet3/10
interface FastEthernet3/11
interface FastEthernet3/12
interface FastEthernet3/13
interface FastEthernet3/14
interface FastEthernet3/15
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
router ospf 1
 no auto-cost
 network area 1
 network area 0
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
no cdp log mismatch duplex
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 password console
 logging synchronous
line aux 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
 password telnet

- B1, A2, B2 routers are configured similarly.

2. Service provider sites:

 a. Network edge (PE1, PE2):

-  On PE1 router:

PE1#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3694 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname PE1
enable secret 5 $1$PrDN$pHsT2IKCMZjFBIyF8mAbW1
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 5
no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
ip cef
ip vrf vpn_a
 rd 65000:1
 route-target export 65000:1
 route-target import 65000:1
ip vrf vpn_b
 rd 65000:2
 route-target export 65000:2
 route-target import 65000:2
no ip domain lookup
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
ip tcp synwait-time 5
interface Loopback0
 ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/0
 description ***Link to P1 router***
 ip address
 mpls ip
 no fair-queue
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/1
 description ***Link to customer A1 router***
 ip vrf forwarding vpn_a
 ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/2
 description ***Link to customer B2 router***
 ip vrf forwarding vpn_b
 ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/3
 description ***Link to P3 router***
 ip address
 mpls ip
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/4
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/5
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet1/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial2/0
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/1
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/2
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/3
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface FastEthernet3/0
interface FastEthernet3/1
interface FastEthernet3/2
interface FastEthernet3/3
interface FastEthernet3/4
interface FastEthernet3/5
interface FastEthernet3/6
interface FastEthernet3/7
interface FastEthernet3/8
interface FastEthernet3/9
interface FastEthernet3/10
interface FastEthernet3/11
interface FastEthernet3/12
interface FastEthernet3/13
interface FastEthernet3/14
interface FastEthernet3/15
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
router ospf 101 vrf vpn_a
 redistribute bgp 65000 metric 10 subnets
 network area 0
router ospf 102 vrf vpn_b
 redistribute bgp 65000 metric 10 subnets
 network area 0
router rip
 version 2
 no auto-summary
router bgp 65000
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 neighbor remote-as 65000
 neighbor update-source Loopback0
 address-family ipv4
  no neighbor activate
  no auto-summary
  no synchronization
 address-family vpnv4
  neighbor activate
  neighbor send-community both
 address-family ipv4 vrf vpn_b
  redistribute ospf 102 vrf vpn_b
  no synchronization
 address-family ipv4 vrf vpn_a
  redistribute ospf 101 vrf vpn_a
  no synchronization
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
no cdp log mismatch duplex
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 password console
 logging synchronous
line aux 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
 password telnet

- PE2 router is configured similarly.

b. Core Network (P1, P2, P3, P4):

- On P1 router:

P1#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2489 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname P1
enable secret 5 $1$uj6I$Z5BD8vg85xjuAnv4noYA//
no aaa new-model
memory-size iomem 5
no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
ip tcp synwait-time 5
interface Loopback0
 ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/0
 description ***Link to PE1 router***
 ip address
 mpls ip
 no fair-queue
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet0/1
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial0/1
 description ***Link to P2 router***
 ip address
 mpls ip
 no fair-queue
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/2
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/3
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/4
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface Serial0/5
 no ip address
 clock rate 2000000
interface FastEthernet1/0
 no ip address
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Serial2/0
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/1
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/2
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface Serial2/3
 no ip address
 serial restart-delay 0
interface FastEthernet3/0
interface FastEthernet3/1
interface FastEthernet3/2
interface FastEthernet3/3
interface FastEthernet3/4
interface FastEthernet3/5
interface FastEthernet3/6
interface FastEthernet3/7
interface FastEthernet3/8
interface FastEthernet3/9
interface FastEthernet3/10
interface FastEthernet3/11
interface FastEthernet3/12
interface FastEthernet3/13
interface FastEthernet3/14
interface FastEthernet3/15
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
router rip
 version 2
 no auto-summary
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
no cdp log mismatch duplex
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 password console
 logging synchronous
line aux 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 privilege level 15
 logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
 password telnet

- P2, P3, P4 routers are configured similarly.


a. Connectivity:

- On Customer A:

Check the connection between A1 router and A2 router.


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/11/40 ms


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification



Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/12/44 ms


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification


- On Customer B:

Check the connection between B1 router and B2 router.


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/18/72 ms


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification



Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/14/52 ms


Trying ... Open

User Access Verification


b. Routing table:

    b1. On Customer Network:

- They are isolated from the service provider network. The client routers do not know any of the details of the service provider network. Notice in the following device output that no service provider routes are in the global routing tables for A1, B1, A2 and B2 router. The global routing table for A1 is as follows:

A1#sh ip route

Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
O IA [110/1572] via, 00:38:35, Serial0/0
C is directly connected, Loopback0
O IA [110/1572] via, 00:38:35, Serial0/0

 b2. On Service Provider Network:

- The VRF routing table is well isolated from the global routing table on a PE router. Therefore, on the PE1 and PE2 POP routers, no customer (A1, B1, A2 and B2) routes show up in the global routing table. The global routing table of the PE1 POP router is as follows:

PE1#sh ip route

Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 12 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:40, Serial0/0
C is directly connected, Loopback0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:40, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:40, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/3
R [120/3] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/3
                       [120/3] via, 00:00:41, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/3
R [120/2] via, 00:00:16, Serial0/3
R [120/2] via, 00:00:41, Serial0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/3

- In addition, none of the customer (A1, B1, A2 and B2) routes show up on the Core routers (P1, P2, P3 and P4). The Core routers are only running the IGP (RIPv2) and know nothing about any of the customer subnets. The global routing table of the P1 router is as follows:

P1#sh ip route

Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 12 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:06, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Loopback0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:06, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:04, Serial0/1
R [120/3] via, 00:00:07, Serial0/1
                       [120/3] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:09, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:07, Serial0/1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:07, Serial0/1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:11, Serial0/0

- VRF routing table:

PE1#sh ip route vrf vpn_a

Routing Table: vpn_a
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
B [200/0] via, 00:45:18
O IA [110/65] via, 00:46:18, Serial0/1
B [200/65] via, 00:45:18

PE1#sh ip route vrf vpn_b

Routing Table: vpn_b
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/2
B [200/0] via, 00:47:05
O IA [110/65] via, 00:48:06, Serial0/2
B [200/65] via, 00:47:05

 In the routing table for vpn_a on the PE1 POP router, there are two BGP routes (B) and one OSPF inter-area route (O IA). The OSPF route in the output was learned from A1 and is the loopback of A1. The B routes are from the PE2 POP router (A2 OSPF routes redistributed into MP-BGP and carried across the service provider backbone).

- Ping and Telnet from PE routers:

 The quickest way to verify that the VRF  is up and working is to do a ping from one customer router to another. However, It is not practical to assume that the service provider will always have access to customer routers. Therefore, extensions have been made to the standard ping and telnet commands.


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

PE1#ping vrf vpn_a

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/7/16 ms


Trying ...
% Destination unreachable; gateway or host down

PE1#telnet /vrf vpn_a

Trying ... Open

User Access Verification


 Why can't PE1 router ping A1 router directly?

Well, because PE1 maintains the routing tables for the customers separately with the global routing table.


- From A1 to A2:


Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 4 msec 24 msec 4 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 24/26 Exp 0] 84 msec 4 msec 56 msec
  3 [MPLS: Labels 18/26 Exp 0] 16 msec 8 msec 4 msec
  4 [MPLS: Label 26 Exp 0] 20 msec 0 msec 4 msec
  5 52 msec 32 msec 8 msec

- There are 5 hops for a packet traversing from A1 to A2 router. The path from A1 to A2 router is as follows:

1 4 msec 24 msec 4 msec --> This is the first hop which is PE1 router. This router is directly connected to A1 via its s0/1. PE1 router also creates VPN label 26 for a packet from customer A1 to distinguish the traffic from A1 with others. This value won't change when the packet traverses through service provider routers. Moreover, PE1 router also creates MPLS label 24 used to switch the packet to P1 router via s0/0 interface. Indeed, let's take a look on PE1's VRF routing table and forwarding table.

PE1#sh ip route vrf vpn_a

Routing Table: vpn_a
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
B [200/0] via, 00:45:18
O IA [110/65] via, 00:46:18, Serial0/1
B [200/65] via, 00:45:18

Obviously, the packet destined from A1 to A2 arrives at the PE1 POP router. Does the PE1 POP router have a path to get to the lookback interface of A2 ( Yes. There’s a BGP route to network with a next hop address of (PE2).

How does the PE1 router get the packet to the PE2 POP router?

 It sends it as a labeled packet, or a tagged packet. Indeed, let's take a look on the PE1's forwarding table:

PE1#sh mpls forwarding-table

Local  Outgoing    Prefix            Bytes tag  Outgoing   Next Hop
tag    tag or VC   or Tunnel Id      switched   interface
16     Pop tag    0          Se0/0      point2point
17     16    0          Se0/0      point2point
18     Pop tag   0          Se0/0      point2point
19     17   0          Se0/0      point2point
20     Pop tag    0          Se0/3      point2point
21     16    0          Se0/3      point2point
22     Pop tag   0          Se0/3      point2point
23     17   0          Se0/3      point2point
24     24    0          Se0/3      point2point
         24    0          Se0/0      point2point
25     Untagged[V]    0          Se0/1      point2point
26     Aggregate[V]    1752
27     Untagged[V]    0          Se0/2      point2point
28     Aggregate[V]    0

From PE1 router standpoint, it takes untagged or unlabeled traffic coming from its s0/1 interface which is A1 router, then tagged this packet with VPN label 26. Moreover, PE1 router also switches this packet out its s0/0 interface with outbound label 24.

  2 [MPLS: Labels 24/26 Exp 0] 84 msec 4 msec 56 msec --> A labeled packet is switched from PE1 to P1 with MPLS label 24 and VPN label 26. What will happen at P1 router, let's check the P1's forwarding table.

P1#show mpls forwarding-table

Local  Outgoing    Prefix            Bytes tag  Outgoing   Next Hop

tag    tag or VC   or Tunnel Id      switched   interface

16     Pop tag    0          Se0/1      point2point
17     Pop tag   0          Se0/1      point2point
18     Pop tag    9570       Se0/0      point2point
19     20    0          Se0/0      point2point
20     20    0          Se0/1      point2point
       21    0          Se0/0      point2point
21     Pop tag   0          Se0/0      point2point
22     22   0          Se0/0      point2point
23     23   0          Se0/1      point2point
24     18    5970       Se0/1      point2point

A packet labeled 24 from PE1 router to P1 router will be switched out P1's s0/1 interface with outbound label 18.

3 [MPLS: Labels 18/26 Exp 0] 16 msec 8 msec 4 msec -> A labeled packet is switched from P1 to P2 with MPLS label 18 and VPN label 26. What will happen at P2 router, let's check the P2's forwarding table.

P2#show mpls forwarding-table

Local  Outgoing    Prefix            Bytes tag  Outgoing   Next Hop

tag    tag or VC   or Tunnel Id      switched   interface

16     Pop tag    0          Se0/0      point2point
17     Pop tag    0          Se0/0      point2point
18     Pop tag    5739       Se0/1      point2point
19     20    0          Se0/1      point2point
       19    0          Se0/0      point2point
20     21    0          Se0/1      point2point
21     21   0          Se0/0      point2point
22     23   0          Se0/1      point2point
23     Pop tag   0          Se0/1      point2point
24     18    10499      Se0/0      point2point

What happens to the packet? Well, from the P1 router, the packet is sent with a tag of 18. By observing the output of the show mpls forwarding-table command on the P2 router, you can see that an inbound labeled packet of 18 arriving at the P2 router has its label popped and is forwarded as unlabeled IP out interface Serial 0/1. So here at the P2 router, there is no routing, only switching of labeled, or tagged packets. You can think of Pop tag as meaning, "The next hop router needs to do a L3 lookup on the packet, so don't send this traffic as labeled, but instead send it as unlabeled IP traffic". Note that that when I said unlabeled IP packet in this case, it means it's an IP packet with VPN label.

 4 [MPLS: Label 26 Exp 0] 20 msec 0 msec 4 msec -->  A packet handed from P2 router to PE2. Based on VPN label 26, egress PE2 router can understand this packet belonging to customer A1. Because this is an IP packet, let's check the PE2's VRF routing table.

PE2#sh ip route vrf vpn_a

Routing Table: vpn_a
Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is not set is variably subnetted, 4 subnets, 2 masks
B [200/0] via, 01:20:28
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
B [200/65] via, 01:20:28
O IA [110/65] via, 01:21:14, Serial0/1

Obviously, there is an OSPF route to get from PE2 to A1 router via (A1's s0/0).

  5 52 msec 32 msec 8 msec --> is the IP address of A2's s0/0 and this is also the last hop. 

  Now, your homework is to analyze the traffic from B1 router to B2 router with the traceroute as below:


Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 4 msec 4 msec 28 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 24/27 Exp 0] 32 msec 0 msec 4 msec
  3 [MPLS: Labels 20/27 Exp 0] 24 msec 0 msec 0 msec
  4 [MPLS: Label 27 Exp 0] 0 msec 40 msec 4 msec
  5 20 msec 28 msec 0 msec


In this lab, you have learned OSPF router types, LSA types, the importance of OSPF super backbone for a surviable network and how the service provider manipulate the routes. You also learned how to implement Multi-Area OSPF in MPLS VPNs including configuration, verification and troubleshooting.